Jimmy, Melissa, and Jackson

"When we started our adoption journey, we had no idea what to do or where to turn. We were at a church function one night and a lady overheard us talking about wanting to adopt and she referred us to Adoption Discovery. We decided to go attend a group to check things out. And much to our delight, it was a ton of useful information. They began to explain the different avenues you can take to adopt and we left there feeling hopeful that we too could adopt.

I had MANY questions throughout the months and every time I made contact with Adoption Discovery they were more than willing to help. They also followed up with me from time-to-time to see how things were going...they'll never know how much this means to our hearts.

We decided on a Domestic Birthmother adoption with a agency/law firm in California. They told up it would be at least 6-12 months before we would be matched with a birthmother, but 13 days later we were selected. Jackson was born four months later and we proudly announced a finalized adoption on January 30, 2009!

There are many up's and down's in an adoption journey and we are very thankful for all the help and support we received from Adoption Discovery." -Jimmy and Melissa